Saturday, March 8, 2008

Agnsty McAgnstPants

I hate Jack Johnson. I hate that I hate Jack Johnson.

I hate my peers' popular culture. I hate that I hate my peers' popular culture. An aspect of said culture is that you are required to hate anything that other people like or enjoy, including hating on other people.

When other people say that television is shallow, I don't think they mean what I do. They're just saying that to impress the chicks. Or themselves. I am immune from all self-flattery. Or irony.

When other people say that empty sexuality is used like an electrode in your head to make you buy products from The Man on the basest of all levels, they don't mean it like I mean it. Do frat boys hate frat boy culture? I'm convinced they hate it more than anyone else.

Everyone wants to feel connected to others. Everyone wants to feel unique. Everyone wants to feel connected to other unique people and have that not be ironic or self-referential or oxymoronic.

I just want to feel connected to people who see that.